Life Adam



Trading Manchester for Melbourne. A Blog by Henry Jones

​I never thought I would be so sad about walking away from a job to go and explore a new country on the other side of the world, but here I am.As I approach the final few months of my twenties, its...

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A Year of Adam

​Our Operations Executive, Kimi, has just hit her one year Adam-iversary. What started as a temporary administration position has evolved into a permanent role within We Are Adam, and she reflects ...

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Achieve Your Personal Goals at Adam

Finding a job you love is great. But finding a job that helps you achieve your dreams? That’s a whole new level of awesome. It’s the feeling you get when you collect the keys to your first hom...

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​10-Year Retrospective - Leon Milns

In this post, our co-founder and Director, Leon Milns shares how he built the Adam London branch from scratch, the challenges this entailed and how the experience impacted his personal growth. ​The...

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When Adam Became Captain Manchester

​In May 2019, Adam took part in a charity awareness campaign, #ForHappyDays, by wearing the Captain Manchester costume for an afternoon and doing good deeds.In 2013, the Captain Manchester campaign...

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10 Year Retrospective - Leanne Scaletta

​Leanne Scaletta has had an incredible journey with Adam over the past few years, working her way up from an admin assistant to Operations Manager. She shares her rollercoaster experiences and the ...

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Living Our Values - Personal Development

There’s nothing quite like working for a business that feels like a home away from home. Where you fit in perfectly with the team, feel assured that the leadership has your back and love everything...

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10 Year Retrospective - Peter Baker

​Adam Director, Peter Baker, takes stock of the past ten years working at Adam and how his experiences during this time have shaped him.  “To Not Dare is to Lose Oneself” Twelve years ago, I was wo...

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Walking the Culture and Values Walk

Plenty of businesses like to promote their charity work or how great they’re doing financially. However, we know that although some businesses look rosy on the outside, they’re pretty rotten on the...

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10 Year Retrospective - Richard Gahagan

Our CEO, Richard Gahagan, reflects on a tumultuous and transformative decade at We Are Adam.  Weathering the Bad Times  80% of businesses will fail in less than two years, according to Bloomberg. T...

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Solid Financial Foundations

There’s no such thing as an overnight sensation. How do I know? Because I’ve been part of the We Are Adam success story that started over ten years ago.  Off the back of our best year yet, I’m writ...

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Why Looking After Your People is Vital In Business

All organisations claim that “our people are our greatest asset.” It’s a hackneyed phrase and I know for a fact that not every business lives up to this statement.At We Are Adam, we believe that in...

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The Secrets to Our Best Year Yet

We Are Adam’s CEO Richard Gahagan shares his take on a landmark 2018 and our big vision for the future. “Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs.”So said Malcolm Forb...

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They did it! Team Adam tackles Man vs Mountain for Manchester Beats Cancer

They tackled heavy rain, rough terrain and a smattering of leisurely tourists but our guys crossed the finish line triumphant and having raised more than £500 for Manchester Beats Cancer. Read thei...

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Adam beats Snowdon Marathon: Racing for Cancer Research

For those who know our business, Adam are passionate about raising money for charity and we like to push ourselves to our physical limits to do it! Last year we raced a Team GB athlete from our Man...

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Finding New Business off the Beaten Track with Freshwalks

We were recently graced with a glorious bank holiday weekend – the beautiful weather reminding us that summer is just around the corner.What better way to spend it than walking in the majestic peak...

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6 Qualities The Best Recruiters Share

When you work with a recruitment agency, you’re trusting them to market you and your skills and ultimately to find you a job that fits with both your professional and personal goals. This requires ...

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Nathan: Why I Chose Adam

You don’t build a business – you build people – and then people build the business.”– Zig ZiglarWe agree.At Adam our people are the bedrock of our business and their development is tantamount to ou...

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Exploring the Great Outdoors Makes You Happier and Healthier

9.1 million adults in England walk recreationally. It’s more popular than swimming, cycling and going to the gym. So what’s the pull? Is it mysterious or something more distinguishable?We’ve done s...

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Freshwalks photo by John Shinnick

Why Adam loves Freshwalks

Photos courtesty of John ShinnickBecoming a fan of Freshwalks is easy (easier than certain walks, anyway). If you love the outdoors and want to mingle with other business people in Manchester, you ...

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Calling all Recruiters – Seven Signs Adam Recruitment is NOT for You

 Finding any old recruitment job is pretty easy.  Finding a new recruitment job with a company that’s perfect for you is much harder.  And gaining real insight into a recruitment company’s culture ...

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