
Peter Bell Quote

“The next twelve months will be all about survival.” A Q&A with Peter Bell

​There is a lot of discussion right now about the future of the office. When the Coronavirus pandemic hit the UK and lockdown measures were put into place, businesses had to quickly find their feet...

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Front Cover Crop

The Future of Work 2020: Community, Collaboration, and Opportunity

Despite this situation being unlike anything we have ever seen before; we can learn from previous crises and recessions.  Before looking for ways to generate new business, have you looked to your c...

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The Future of Work 2020: Technology and Remote Managing Performance

​One of the biggest reasons cited as to why a company feels that they cannot offer remote working arrangements is trust. Managing remotely does away once and for all with micro-management, challeng...

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The Future of Work 2020: Company Culture

​Company culture is an important part of many organisations. A company’s culture is like their personality - it is what makes them unique, and many business leaders worry that allowing their employ...

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The Future of Work 2020: Employee Wellbeing

​In recent years, the topic of mental health and employee wellbeing has been at the forefront of business conversation. The phrase ‘happy staff, happy clients’ gets rolled out a lot, and many busin...

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The Future of Work 2020: Physical Offices Vs. A Distributed Workforce

​The concept of remote working has been around ever since the domestic introduction of the internet, rising in popularity as internet reliability and accessibility increased. Even before the pandem...

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The Future of Work 2020: Health, Safety, Security, and Furlough.

​In mid-May, the U.K. Government began encouraging businesses to begin re-opening and returning to normal. But what exactly is normal now? In our recent partnership with my2be we investigated how t...

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Front Cover Crop

The Future of Work 2020

​2020 has been one of the most disruptive years to business in living memory. The global COVID-19 pandemic caused many businesses to grind to a halt and many others had to find their feet in the wo...

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Ep 25 Li

“Human beings are the most complex components in any business.”

​Derek Bishop is the Director of Culture Consultancy - experts in business culture, they work with leadership teams of global organisations to deliver sustainable performance improvements. Derek ha...

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