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After Adam & Ale…

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On Wednesday night we hosted our inaugural Adam & Ale event at Bar Topolksi on the Southbank in London.  I’m sat sluggishly typing away with a somewhat ‘hazy the-day-after-the-night-before’ head that can only mean that I had a great evening and too many ales for a school night.  Judging by feedback I’ve had from the folks who joined us, so did they…

Adam & Ale bar Topolski

What a great evening it was!  The idea was to invite a bunch of people we know in the world of digital marketing to join us with a flowing supply of chilled ale and just let the conversations flow.  There was no formal agenda; the evening didn’t have that stuffy/awkward networking edge to it but more of a warm and energetic vibe of curious people both catching up with old faces and making new friends.

Adam & Ale

Based on the success and the warm feedback we’ve had, we’re going to make Adam & Ale a quarterly event so that we can continue to introduce great like-minded folks to each other.  I personally get such a buzz out of connecting people, watching those relationships unfurl and develop, because who knows how they might be able to help each other out in the future.


If you like the sound of the community and vibe we are creating, feel free to drop us your details and we’ll make sure you’re the first to hear about the plans for the next event which are already afoot!