Many people can be forgiven for thinking of Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital as Manchester’s hospital, or even simply as a large hospital for the North of England. It is, in fact, the UK’s largest children’s hospital and takes in some of the most harrowing and urgent medical cases from across the country. It has state of the art medical equipment which means it is a child’s best option, even if they are based in a remote part of the UK.
The ‘Time Saves Lives’ campaign is a major effort to save lives when the Air Ambulance brings a critical child to the hospital. Currently the Air Ambulance can cover most of the UK in quick time, however the last part of the journey is often done by an ambulance or conventional travel.
The aim is to raise enough funds for a helipad to be built on the roof of the hospital which will directly reduce time and save lives in the final minutes of a child’s journey. That last 15 – 30 minutes can be the critical difference in a child’s survival.
So what is the Big Charity Drive? In short, teams will be driving in cars worth less than £1000 from Manchester to Chemnitz in Eastern Germany (Manchester’s twin town) and back. Each team is committed to raising money for RMCH and will also donate the cost of the cars/car itself.
The event itself attracts a lot of attention, especially with the fantastic website that tracks each car, kindly built by Online Ventures Group.
Fancy getting involved?
There are two ways you can get involved with the Big Charity Drive, firstly you could enter a team yourself and you can find out more about getting involved here.
Secondly, you can get involved by sticking your logo on the Adam car! The options for this are as follows:
Full roof branding – £500
Bonnet branding – £500
A3 size logo – £250
A4 size logo – £100
We cover the costs involved with creating the stickers for the cars, so all of your money goes straight to RMCH.
If you’d like to get involved you can donate via our Just Giving page, or contact us directly and we can organise it for you!
We are aiming to raise £5000 for this worthy cause and we would love it if you could get involved. If you’d like more information on either option, please get in touch with either Nicky Humfress or Richard Gahagan.