The ‘no buy back’ guarantee
How to deal with counter-offers, the exit stage and everything in-between
It’s a classic scenario: You have one foot out the door and your employer can’t see an immediate solution without you at thecompany, so they try and win back your loyalty with several ‘incentives’.
This may seem like an easy victory for you, but here’s reasons why it might be better to look elsewhere:
- Value: In most situations respect and value go hand in hand, within a business you’ll want to feel valued and therefore feellike you’re adding value. How valued are you if it takes your resignation to prompt a salary increase or promotion?
- The issues are still there: If you didn’t get on with certain colleagues or your line manager; the problems will still be theredespite your salary increase and will most likely worsen
- The easy way isn’t necessarily the best one: It may seem like a nice easy resolution to come back into your current role with a pay increase, and in a way you’re right. But it’s important to remember the long term repercussions of such an action. With the right planning and preparation you may be able to find a better paid, more engaging and more enjoyable role than the one you currently hold
- Credibility: What will your bosses think when considering you for promotion? Will your loyalty/trustworthiness be undermined, if you have already attempted to leave?
- Know your real worth: If you do actually decide it’s really in your best interests to accept a pay increase; make sure you’regetting one that fits in with your self-valuation and others in your position, it may look good on paper, but is it truly reflective of your development and prospects?
The important thing to remember is that you have no personal obligation here. It’s your career and if you think you can dobetter elsewhere, make sure you stay headstrong. It’s best to set sail rather than throw down the anchor again; you owe it toyourself!