you have spotted a talent challenge, identified a solution and are looking for support in executing it.
No matter the sector, every leader we speak to lists talent acquisition and retention in their top 3 challenges. We really get it. We’re on the front line every day, working tirelessly to unearth the right talent for our clients.
How Can We Help?
Learn things you don’t already know. Gain an edge over your competitors with industry insights and market intelligence.
Expand your reach in the industry, as our network becomes yours. Our candidates become clients, and clients become friends.
Our consultants take joy in bringing your story to life. We are your advocates in the marketplace.
We don’t sugar coat and we promise to always tell you how it is; the good, the bad and the brilliant.
It isn’t about us. Expect an exceptional service that puts your business needs first.
Ways we can FIX your problem.
Perhaps you have established a need for a niche skill set, or something that is tricky to hire? Our targeted search and selection service could be the perfect fit. Our consultants are proven to fulfil the toughest of briefs where others have failed.
Unearth niche skill sets
Locate scarce candidates
Find someone quickly when you've been left in the lurch
Fill a gap in your team when someone doesn't start or you've mis-hired.
Take on tricky location challenges
Support in your transition to a hybrid, remote or non-remote structure
Offer flexible solutions on a fixed term or day rate basis
Provide cover for long term absences such as parental leave
Increase team capacity to accommodate new business wins
What You Can Expect from We Are Adam.
Whether you are adapting to a new working model, struggling to hire in your location or having to react quickly to ever-changing resource needs, our FIX model can work for you. Advertising your role across relevant job boards and social platforms is just a tiny element of the way we approach recruitment. After all, you could easily go through that process yourself.
It’s common knowledge that the best people are currently in a role they are enjoy. It’s our job to tap into the plethora of passive talent. We are continually building relationships with candidates, meaning when an opportunity like yours pops up, we already have a long list in mind.
That doesn’t mean we fire out a ‘new job’ alert email and wait for people to come to us. Our consultants extensively map out the market to provide live data on how many qualified candidates are out there, what they're currently earning and how warm they are to new opportunities. We’re catching up over a coffee to share your story. We’re discovering their career goals and seeing who matches up. We’re comparing values and aspirations to ensure the shortlist you receive consists only of people who will succeed in the role.