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​Unlocking the Power of a Multigenerational Workforce

The modern workplace is undergoing a revolution. No longer dominated by a single generation, our offices and teams now hum with the energy and experience of a multigenerational workforce. From tech...

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Pexels Canvastudio 3153198 (1)

Navigating the North West Talent Landscape: Key Insights for Business Leaders

​The North West of England is a thriving business hub, and attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for success. But what does the current landscape actually look like? This blog post dives i...

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Creating a Culture of Candor: Why Psychological Safety Matters

In this economically uncertain landscape, it’s easy for leaders to hone in on growth and financial stability. But this laser focus to protect our businesses can blind us to the potential damage see...

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Pexels Tima Miroshnichenko 5439145

Unveiling the Power of Quality Hiring in Today's Talent Market

​The war for talent is real. In a recent LinkedIn survey, a staggering 54% of recruitment professionals believe that the ability to make quality hires will be the defining factor shaping the recrui...

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Pexels Fauxels 3184465

​Future-Proof Your Workforce. Hire for Tomorrow, Not Today.

Imagine yourself steering a ship through a turbulent sea. Unpredictable currents shift the course, demanding constant adjustments to stay afloat. This is the reality facing businesses in today's ra...

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Pexels Mikael Blomkvist 6476258 (1)

​Navigating the Talent Shift: Key Hiring Trends for 2024

For business leaders, navigating the current talent landscape can feel like steering a ship through a storm. Uncertainty reigns, with economic pressures swirling and employee expectations evolving ...

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Menopause, Period, Miscarriage: Navigating the sensitive world of leave policies – Part 1

​Giving employees MORE paid time off? Leave it out!At least, that’s the attitude some business owners adopt. But many companies already offer enhanced leave packages beyond the statutory requirem...

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Pexels Fauxels 3184416

Recruiting in 2022: A Q&A with GYDA & We Are Adam

​Our Co-Founder and Agency expert, Léon Milns, joined GYDA’s Robert Craven to co-host a Q&A on tackling key challenges around recruitment and retention.Two years ago, the pandemic threw us all into...

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Adults Brainstorming Business 1595385

The Future of Work; supporting young people, employees and socio-economic change

Meet Michael Taylor, Head of Regional Affairs at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Michael has extensive experience in working with young people to develop their skills and guide them as t...

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Hiring a Marketing Gem for Cutting Edge Services

​Phil Turner has a wealth of experience steering business sales and marketing strategy. With a creative flair and exceptional leadership skills, he knows how to unleash the potential of his team to...

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Adult Brainstorming Classroom 1181622 (1)

Time for Change? Breaking the Misconceptions of Hiring a Contractor

​The number of self-employed professionals in the UK has increased by 43%, and the overall contribution to the UK economy by freelancing professionals is around £119 billion (IT Contractors UK). Th...

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​What Is an Impact Statement and Why Do You Need One?

30% of job seekers have left a role within 90 days of being hired. This is an expensive problem for businesses that invest time and money in hiring the ‘right’ people. Only to start the process all...

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Leon   Blog (1)

How do Businesses Evolve Through Growth?

You want your business to be blazingly successful. But what does that look like exactly? How will your company change during the process of growth? In our most recent podcast, we posed this questio...

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Connecting HR and Employees From Cradle to Grave

​Every employee interacts with your organisation on a cyclical basis. From the time they’re looking for a new employer to when they become an employee to their exit. Or as some say, from hire to in...

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Tim Gouw 68319 Unsplash

A Guide to Workplace Bullying

By the time they hit the workplace, most playground persecutors have grown out of kicking shins.  But some bullies never grow up and go on to destroy the careers, health and happiness of their coll...

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Guest Blog - HR in a Fast Track

Yvonne Saxon is Head of HR, Diversity and Incusion at Vista Employer Services. Yvonne took time out to pen a guest blog to help anyone responsible for HR in a fast growth SME with insight, advice ...

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Gary Butterfield 1380704 Unsplash

Cracking Tough Recruitment Challenges for Jayne Pugh

Jayne Pugh has achieved spectacular feats in her marketing career so far, and the Adam team has had the privilege to support her along the way through expert recruitment consultancy and talent acqu...

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A Fitting New Role for a Fantastic IT Professional: Evangelos’ Story

Evangelos Gargoulakis recently moved to the UK from Greece to be with his partner. His relocation meant he was in the market for a new job in IT.With a passion for computer science, Evangelos gradu...

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Adult Agency American 1437544

The Changing Face of Marketing Director Recruitment

Marketing isn’t what it used to be. Gone are the days of campaigns that rely on guesswork.Today, Marketing Directors/Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) have the technology and data needed to paint a v...

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Happy woman shaking hands in a meeting

How to Develop Your Employer Value Proposition – Part 2: From EVP to IVP

“The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.” – Sybil F. StershicIn part one of this blog, we unmasked how...

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Louise Colour

Mission Accomplished: Find Mewburn Ellis a First-Rate HR Manager

Posted on: 14 Aug 2018Mewburn Ellis is an IP firm with clients all over Europe. It helps organisations leverage intellectual property to assist with the inception, management and delivery of innova...

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