Advice for Hiring Managers


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​5 Strategic Solutions for Navigating the UK Skills Shortage

The UK is grappling with a significant skills shortage. If you’re subscribed to any business news outlets, spend any time on LinkedIn or have recently advertised a role, this won’t be news to you. ...

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10 Ways to Increase Applications To Your Job Advert

2022; the toughest job market we’ve ever seen. Not for candidates though, as they have a plethora of exciting opportunities to choose from. With vacancies in the UK soaring to a record high, and u...

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The Secret To Attracting and Retaining Talent in 2022

​It’s never ever been this competitive for talent, period. Just like the property market right now, people are snapped up within a week, having received multiple offers above expected value. Can...

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Time for Change? Breaking the Misconceptions of Hiring a Contractor

​The number of self-employed professionals in the UK has increased by 43%, and the overall contribution to the UK economy by freelancing professionals is around £119 billion (IT Contractors UK). Th...

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Perks and Incentives – What Do Your People Actually Want

When we think of companies that employees love working for, we envision offices transformed into adult playgrounds: bean bags, pool tables, beer fridges and nap zones for hard workers.Take a look a...

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Team Building and the Multi-Generational Divide

If there’s one thing Lord of the Rings taught us, it’s that teams come in all shapes and sizes.And the more diverse your team is, the more likely you are to succeed. Why?Different perspectives enab...

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Employers – Have You Lived Up to Your Promises? Part II

For relationships to work, they must be founded on mutual trust. But with fierce competition for suitable employees, it can be tempting to make impossible promises to attract, recruit and retain. A...

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Employers – Have You Lived Up to Your Promises?

If high turnover is killing your business, it’s time to take a long hard look at the reasons why people are leaving. Have you made some bad hires, or is it more complex than that? Are you failing t...

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Recruiting Permanent Staff Isn’t Your Only Option: Why You Should Consider a Temporary or Contract Hire

Business is booming! Right up until that moment a key staff member suddenly takes long-term leave. Then you’re left struggling to fill their shoes while juggling all your other responsibilities.The...

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How to Develop Your Employer Value Proposition – Part 1

What’s in it for me?It’s the question at the forefront of most candidates’ minds. Without an Employer Value Proposition (EVP), your business will find it difficult to clearly communicate your answe...

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